Circuit Cycle & Sports publish video walk-through on Rumble
For those who have not had the chance to visit Circuit Cycle & Sports, a new walk-through video was recently published on both Rumble and Youtube. With a rich look into a wide selection of components and accessories, the video provides potential customers a peak into what a small bicycle shop in Millet, Alberta can…
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Yes, the Rumours are Correct, we are Moving
It has been five years since we opened our little local bicycle shop in Millet and now its time to step it up. We are moving to a new location in the heart of Alberta Yes, we are staying in this wonderful town of Millet.
We still have new bicycles in stock
Our shop provides new bikes in three distinct levels. First, we carry new bicycles from Genesis Bikes from Quebec, and new electric bikes from both Genesis and Velec. All our suppliers are from Montreal.
Circuit Cycle’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
UPDATE: In accordance with the increased restrictions imposed by the Provincial Government, ALL customers and staff are now required to wear face coverings. Further; we are limiting store occupancy to a maximum of four(4) customers. (Not including staff) UPDATE: In accordance with the Alberta Government guidelines on essential businesses, retailers open to repair bicycles are…
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The Time is Now to Get an Advanced Bicycle Tune-up
“Our advanced tuneups are literally bottom-up rebuilds of your precious ride.”
The Derailleur: the Key to dating Your Vintage Bicycle
The Derailleur, the mechanism that is older than your great grandmother, yet it is the miracle drive system of bicycles worldwide. The first samples of a gear changing mechanism can be found as far back as the late 1800s. But first patent for the derailleur can be attributed to Paul De Vivie, a touring cyclist…
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